Welcome to my page. I just wanted to say:
var myDate = new Date(); /* hour is before noon */ if ( myDate.getHours() < 12 ) { document.write("Good Morning!"); } else /* Hour is from noon to 5pm (actually to 5:59 pm) */ if ( myDate.getHours() >= 12 && myDate.getHours() <= 17 ) { document.write("Good Afternoon!"); } else /* the hour is after 5pm, so it is between 6pm and midnight */ if ( myDate.getHours() > 17 && myDate.getHours() <= 24 ) { document.write("Good Evening!"); } else /* the hour is not between 0 and 24, so something is wrong */ { document.write("I'm not sure what time it is!"); } /* remove the following in your live script. It is for testing */ document.write("
The hour is: ") document.write( myDate.getHours() );